Tuesday, October 18, 2005

In Memory of Bharat Bhasin, 1977-2005

(The picture was taken in Singapore, 2001)

It’s very hard for me to write this piece since I learned this bad news from Stephen. Sometimes, I was thinking how I can best describe this man. He was such a special friend with big smile. The last time we met was in Singapore, GAMMA 2001. We drank, chatted and danced in a crowded apartment with all AIESEC alumni the whole night. We talked about the life, the career, and the old good days. After the weekend, he flew back to India. We continued our sessions in Malaysia.

It’s odd that I only remember many little things about him instead of every detail. The first time I met him in Atlanta, USA, IC ’97. Because “Bharat” sounds like “Guava” in Chinese, I told him so. He laughed loudly. Since then, I always called him “Guava” rather than “Bharat”. A lot of friends mentioned that he was such as great leader in the blog. Indeed, his legacy definitely left AIESEC in India and fellow AIESECers a great foundation.

When he visited Taiwan for the International President Conference in 1999, all AP presidents came out for a short break in the night market. We smoked and joked about each other. That was fun! Chatting with old friends is something you always enjoy. At the end of the conference, it was time to say goodbye. We all agreed: “Never say goodbye because we are all AIESECers. Absolutely we will meet each other somewhere and someday”. I still believe so after learning this tragedy.

Remember the picture we took together in Singapore? The Chinese on the wall in the temple said: have a safe trip. So long, my buddy. We all know that you will be good and start your journey up there. All of us are on the tracks. We will cherish what we have in hand. Eventually, we will still meet. It’s only a matter of time. Get the beer and the music ready then. When we party together again, we shall share our different stories again. Take good care of yourself.

悼念我的老友—Bharat Bhasin

對我來說要寫這篇文字並不是件容易的事。從另一位好友口中聽到這個噩耗之後,我常常想該如何描述他。他是個很特別的傢伙,總是笑得很開懷。我們最後一次碰 面是2001年新加坡在AIESEC的老骨頭聚會上;那一夜,大家都玩得很盡興,擠在小小的公寓裡,喝酒、跳舞、天南地北閒聊。我們聊人生、工作、過去在 AIESEC的時光。之後他回印度工作,我們則前往馬來西亞繼續既定行程。

奇怪的是很多關於他的細節,我已經記不清楚了,反倒是對一些瑣事念念不忘。第一次認識他是1997年在亞特蘭大的世界大會。「Bharat」的發音聽起來 像「芭樂」,我忍不住告訴他,他當下笑得樂不可支,引起路人側目;自此以後,我都叫他芭樂。很多朋友在紀念他的網誌上都已經說過,他是一位 很優秀的領導者。的確,我想他所留下的足跡將會令印度總會和後進AIESECer深深懷念。

1999年他來台灣參加世界總會會長會議,某天所有亞太地區的總會會長趁著空檔到夜市閒晃,我們倆叼著煙、互相取笑對方,現在想起來還是很有意思;跟老朋 友聊天永遠都是一種享受。當會議結束,該是說珍重的時刻。對於AIESECer來說,與其道別不如說後會有期,我們都知道,總有一天大家會在世界的某個角 落重聚首。即便現在,我還是如此深深相信。

還記得那張我們在新加坡拍的照片嗎?廟牆上寫著「一帆風順」,正如我此刻的心情。再會,芭樂!我們都相信你在那兒會過得很好,開始屬於你自己的旅程。我們 每個人也朝著自己的方向踽踽獨行、珍惜自己當下所擁有的一切。最終我們還是會相聚,不過是時間長短罷了。到時候記得備好酒菜與音樂,讓我們重頭分享之中的 點點滴滴吧!保重!


At 9:04 AM, Blogger V said...

Danny, how to make the background music? Its sooooooo cool! :)

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Danny, I just realizes I didn't really know you a bit..It is a nice sharing and I'm happy that you're really leading a very special life. Hope there will be chance to catch up with each other soon...


At 5:32 PM, Blogger danlon said...


It's attached in the html. You need to find a song on the internet and use embeded command. I will teach you via MSN. ;)


How's going? :D Thanks for stoppng by. Didn't talk to you for a while. So far so good? I will be back to Taiwan around the end of Jan. Hope to see you soon.

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous J said...


I was in Aiesec India in 1997 - at the same time Bharat was leading the chapter.

After so many years, i found out today that he's no more. Do you know what happened to him. Really, its sad to hear this news



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